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Look out!
All of us are moving to the cherished purpose at the cost of lost and dead instead of us. Due to statistics n percent should crash on roads, sink, burn down, be shot down, blown up, die from cancer, from mass of other diseases. « Hello, hello! «- we say when meeting each other. Lord forbid to come closer to the cherished purpose, unique for all, despite of all circumstances and accidents. And she’s waiting for all of us, and she’ll get everyone of us, and she’ll embody all of us noiselessly, mutely, so silently, as falls the spiky icicle or a brick from a multi-storey house, smashing into smithereens someone’s skull. Perhaps, someday we shall say, when meeting each other: «Look out, bro, it’s killing!» 2003 English translation by A.G. Besedin