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Понимание мечты. ENGLISH
Spelling the way. My parent’s star was spelled so far away from me! What was that mind? And where is the distance? I come in touch with it each time I fall asleep. For every choice of mine it goes with kind assistance. I sing with my own voice but melodies they loved. My heart was ruined, built again to palace. Excitement, hesitation or deep laugh - That is a trust of blood. They are what to be based on. From rich and salty lines of my hand’s palm I guess that they were very true and happy. I beg them for my dreams to come. And I demand for what is mine to happen. YOUTH. My friend and enemy are two ways of my life, I am looking forward guessing their features. Knowing my enemy and speaking on that side I feel my friend and taste with him sweet peaches. My enemy was partly soul’s play. The base of plot - decisions of my past. My friend is deepest word I want to say, My sky, my sun, my breath at last… I guess my enemy was just some part of me, Made different plots for me to follow… One day will be forgotten by my soul, My swallows will be saved by sunny tree. What kind of earth did feed the roots of tree? I can not know. I can it only guess. There is bright sun and loving rain for me And joyfull Yes. "Gemini" Dewdrops of gems in the mirror of sky – Cool air of evening in Spain. What from the past we shall meet again? What word will repeat that and stay Together with us as two shores of a wind Remembering mirror and saving the captive To allow us to go with the happy stream From a bottom of sand to the wave which is native. * * * The path of shades is hidden in the hills And mountains raise stones to the cloud - The word of silent and forgiving will - Will of the sun and skies, will which is proud. Steps as a key draw features to land’s face And follow trace of choice, obedience and leading Enjoying way that catches and keeps the grace - The tango grace and melody of living. The mirror. Quietly, with silence and belief Right now I don’t recognize my eyes. I look and loose short breath rejecting lies In waves of a thought I guessed but never knew. Forgetting a passion of tears and voice Both with silent figures of my toys from parent’s home… They are color of air. Fare away. Lightly blue. They are wings of lonely angels - They had forgotten themselves for a few their attempts To reject false petals of the God’s Plot. *LOVE OF A MAN My country of heart is a shade of her wrist. Barman! Shake moon in your pina colada! Losing my mind with the rhythm of that breast I walk through the walls of all barricades. Breathing with me she is stronger because Shore of my will keeps the rest of her ocean. Graceful and shy – she is my rose, Destiny’s blessing for a sincere motion. Gestures of thoughts dive through the sky To a future unknown - that is future of guessed. Her obstacles turned to a planet of mine. There I am an owner and the happiest guest. THE MORNING Shower and morning tea . Freshened air from opened window… Is a clothes of my daily dreams Just a comfort for daily wisdom? And the abstract projection of ways Of traditional daily mind - It just follows the chain of days, Days of habits and sparkling delight. Rejecting yourself you can choose to be cold… Allowing some ice to cover the stream You can feel what’s you nature - of glass or of gold And can study the strength of a single beam. But remember all warmth of a living skin! Guessing occasionally sunny fresh waves Tears of ice are able to bring Smile of heart to the features of face. * * * A slightest effort – to remind what you had never known And start with turning to the side of your own Yes and No To get your feelings strengthened through the mirror Or through reflections - they walked unnecessary and untrue; There wasn’t a thought, there wasn’t direction… That was a goal and that was a game – blue pastel of sky… Nature is lush, isn’t ought to be courageous. All jokes were packed to bluebells of baggages. Horizon came from its definite line closer to you with the breath of an air Both with your thought which is now near. * * City that never existed… Sign of a birthmark at the shade of a wrist… Oh! Turn your hand; please just turn your hand! Let me guess precious pearl in the dusts of sand! Through the features of time give me touch of your smile. I was beggar to reach recent yesterday’s lie. You are beggar to get what is deeply in me But I hope to guess and also to be…
All verses were pleasant to me, but especially LOVE OF A MAN - with the philosophical maintenance. Why do not write in Russian though in English your verses very imposingly look... Creative successes! :angelsmiley:
Спасибо за отклик, "Frend" Marin! Честно говоря, я не уверена в безупречности моих грамматических познаний в английском, но там, где эмоции переплавились в философию, я была вполне искренна. Юля
Напротив,относительно меня стихи написаны прекрасно на английском!.. Что касается искренности, я с Вами полностью согласен! Творческих успехов! С теплом Фред :angelsmiley:
Почему закрылась, как порой бутончик, прекрасного цветка... Боишься дуновение горного и чистого ветра? ))) Напрасно, ибо в каждом ветре, как бы он ни был запылен жизнью всегда содержится зерно истины. Проблема не в критике того или иного автора,а проблема в тебе. Ты боишься самой себя. Не бойся,ты не так страшна,как кажется тебе на первый взгляд. ))) Кстати,то стихотворение отличное получилось, поздравляю! Даю слово,что я больше не буду тебя беспокоить. Будь спокойна. :flower:
А русскоязычным как быть - чувствовать себя унтерменшами?