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"Знаю,милый,знаю,что с тобой..."
«Знаю, милый, знаю, что с тобой…» I have known Something’s wrong with you, You have lost yourself , but never found, You’ve been looking for another place, But there is no place around. Refrain Don’t you know that without me The earth is small like ‘n island, Don’t you know birds cannot fly, If they have no wings. I believe you’ll find yourself, I want you back, me darling. For I hope a day will come, a happy day We’ll sing. tara-ra-ra… Many times You have been saved by me, Now I cannot do it anymore, But I’m waiting, want you to return, Never closed is for you me door. Refrain Aleksandr Lashmanov, Russia P.S.Предлагал А.Пугачёвой - вежливо поблагодарили...Возможно, среди поющих читателей найдётся кто-нибудь,кто включит песню в свой репертуар.Был бы счастлив.