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Hearth snd Oath
Both hearth and oath mean the sun of mind When sense of roaming is choice to be increased With magic beam repeated within Time - White feather of the partridge to be seized With white of peacock when it is only grasped (Ideal dream of hidden eyes of dark) - And it is not a step to be the name to last In moment of the time, in minute of the spark... Sense of the East that comes with spark from blaze Possess the pearl of knights - direction of the dazed. And - always for one's mind -the author of the share Collects return of Pride for what was staying near...
Не очень понял смысл стихотворения. :frown: Понравился образ "жемчужина рыцарей", Юлия. :grin3: ИКра. :wink:
Ну и каково Ваше "направление вразумленного". Лично я думаю, что перегруз по тире. Так, слегка.