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But do you know what it’s like to be poet when you omit whatever hit on you, so, rope it, when your every word is like you barely grope it? Do you know it? Do you know the destination you go to, being just accustomed to rap, having enough, throwing what you ever wrote off Cuz it’s shit, but you want striking shit up and making it gold? Where’s it all? Where what inspires you, Rhyme, always tires you and words you’re fed up with too much cuz it fires you, Makes you having no rest till you expire new verse and make it the best, But you wait for new burst, walking your Earth, holding pen in your hand, being lost in your thoughts, wandering in idea’s land And when you feel you’re ready to say that you can’t something rushes into your head and fidgets there. Damn. Words are here, let’s trying to catch em – Every one is quite close to you jumping jump, jump; time’s stretching. It’s like a torture, cuz when you handle em they slip away… tshh.... They don’t like noise, so, boys, hush up - lower your voices. We’ll find em, but everyone, keep your guns in holsters - I don’t need em dead, Cuz I’m a poet, and what a poet can write his the best poem with dead words and killed rhymes in his pocket? So, build up a stockade, close the gate, pick the key up and lock it, withhold em there until the critical moment When open it, set em free, now you’re poet, But do you know what it’s like to be poet When you come and nothing waits for you, they don’t want your coming, When you are late although you’ve moved fast as comet? Do you know it? Do you know what it’s like when you blow it, being still on the way that you go by, Keeping on moving like staying the same place, when dunno why you still cry, sitting on the floor, waiting for rhyme or seeking for em but your travail are stultified, And when it hurts; When your pain is as strong as if you survived the burst. All inside you is screaming. It’s like a river you can’t fish out your rhymes from, keep swimming. Your brain is steaming. The patience is crashed and devil comes out of you, you’re ready to kill em If only you find em in the maze of mind… you’ll find em, really. But the next time I run away and that, what’s on back, catches me up, Revenging me for all my words, shows me that I ain't on top. Now all I wrote seems like building, I built this but it’s cracked. I rewind me to blank’s filling, I filled this but it’s back – Here you’re wrong, choose another word, take a look at… it’s bad. We don’t like how you use us. Fuck you, I wish you would dead, But I’m a poet. And what a poet can write his the best poem with dead words and killed rhymes in his pocket? So, build up a stockade, close the gate, pick the key up and lock it, withhold em there until the critical moment When open it, set em free, now you’re poet, But do you know what it’s like to be poet when you rob it, when you plagiarize, when you hope that No one comes and says, “It was my words, did you know it?”, Says, “I forbid.” But he even doesn’t understand that he helped, That his verses wasn’t stolen, but used as a help when this rhymester was cracked and only he could was to yell And no one of motherfuckers could understand what he felt when he was fired, when he burned, when was being eaten alive, when some hot thing in his head still was, disturbing his life, when he looked up for the rescue, but he wasn’t relieved, And he took rest, and he changed almost all of in what he believed. Then he went mad, still feeling that it ain't just for real, he got his gun. Concealing, he came back just to kill, But suddenly stopped, turned into messiah and blessed. What’s happened, man? Look at him; he just saved em from Death To be the poet. And what a poet can write his the best poem with dead words and killed rhymes in his pocket? So, build up a stockade, close the gate, pick the key up and lock it, withhold em there until the critical moment When open it, set em free, now you’re poet, But do you know what it’s like to be poet? Буду очень признателен, если кому-то захочется сделать литературный перевод вот этого на русский. И название придумать.
Я не понял, а где русские буквы?!... О нашел! М-да! А это на каком языке? Простите мою неграмотность, сейчас память напряжу... О кажется узнал - английский! Угадал?! Незнаю, что там нравятся поэтам, я таким неявляюсь, но русский люблю и уважаю... - А ты молодец!
Не что нравится поэтам, а на что это похоже - быть поэтом. Хотя, какой из меня поэт?